Monday, January 13, 2014

Turbo Fire Day 1!!

Well, I survived! I kept trying to talk myself into quitting, but I powered through. Today was Fire 30 and Stretch 10. Stretch 10 was AH-Mazing! It felt wonderful after such an intense workout.
I vlogged this morning about my breakfast smoothies.

Me post workout

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I am also anxious for Wednesday. I got a second wind tonight and found myself wishing I could go run it out on the treadmill. 

I had a good day food wise- not the best, but a lot better than what I have had recently. Tonight's dinner was so good! Its amazing how good REAL food tastes. 

Grilled chicken breast topped with sauteed onions (sauteed in coconut oil) 
Broccoli steamed and tossed in cracked black pepper and sea salt. I also melted a teeny bit of fresh mozzarella
Squash sauteed with coconut oil, sea salt and cracked black pepper.  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Here we go.

Yeah, its Thursday- but I'm ready to get started with my 2014 fitness goals. I'm having to be a little creative at the moment because I've figured out that it is a bad tooth that is causing my pain. The antibiotics have helped significantly, but I will need to go get it taken care of soon. I'm not sure how strenuous exercise will leave me feeling, but I guess we'll find out. I miss it! I miss the gym, I miss the feeling of being strong. I'm still planning on starting Turbo Fire on Monday. I can't wait!

We did find out this week that we have several other Dallas trips that are imminent. Thankfully, my gym is Anytime Fitness, so surely I can find one that I can travel to with ease. Otherwise- I'll have to get creative and find those stairwells! ;)

I have two projects I am thinking about adding to my journey. One- is I would like to take daily (or almost daily) pictures and create a time lapse video at the end of the year.
Secondly, I want to start vlogging, and break into YouTube.  I may not make many videos- and I may not get any views, but I think it will be fun to look back and see where I started and where I end up.

I have a lot of things I'm working on to help myself, and to create my support system.  I'm feeling the fire again- and feeling very excited. I'll share links to my channel and videos once I get it set up!

As for now- if you aren't following me on Facebook, you can do that here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!! I am so excited for this year and what it holds for me and my family. The new year has greeted me with some sort of face pain. The doctor says its a sinus infection, but I have no other symptoms. There has been a mix up with the medications so I have been unable to start on anything yet. I am hoping that it will be all cleared up by the time I am slated to start TurboFire.

My anxiety is at a peak right now for some reason. It seems to come and go. I have faced some situations where I expected to feel horrendous anxiety and I have faced them with ease. And then, times like now- where I really have nothing to be anxious about- I feel anxious day and night. The nights seem to be the worst. They always have been. One day soon, I will wake up and be anxiety free. There seems to be no rhyme or reason.

That being said, I am so very excited for this year. I am going to try and blog on a daily basis. There may not be much sense to it, it may be random, but I miss blogging so much. Facebook has taken over, and its so much easier.

So here's to the new year, and the continuation of improving me!

May your 2014 be filled with blessings!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Here I sit, in bed, unable to sleep. Christmas is ten days away. I think about how my Christmas wish list has changed so much in the past year. Before, I was asking for movies, video games, household things, etc. This year the top two things on my list are:

1.  Polar heart rate monitor.

2. Yurbuds

I cannot tell you how many pair of earbuds I have gone through this year just at the gym alone. I think its finally time to invest in a good pair, and these have great reviews!
Other things I would like to find under the tree? Running shoes, workout clothes, arm band for my phone. All items to fit into my new active lifestyle and keep me moving forward.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

I am excited for 2014. Not that these last few weeks of 2013 will be sedentary, but I have big plans for 2014. I have several goals. I'm proud of my progress in 2013, and I plan to blow it out of the water in 2014.
I will be starting Turbofire on January 13th. (I want to start on  a Monday to easily track my weeks, but the first Monday in January we will be in the hospital with Connor) So, January 13th it is. Turbofire is a 20 week program, so I will be finishing round 1 the week of Memorial day. I figure that will be a great jump on the summer. Depending on where I am at that point- I'm thinking about getting my hands on a copy of P90X. I've done it before, but never finished it out.

Here are some of my goals for 2014:

  • RUN my first 5K 
  • Go completely gluten free
  • Enter ONEderland! (for the first time in 14 years) 
  • Begin training for a half marathon. 
These are just a few goals I have in mind right now. I may add to them as I get started.